# Annotation API

# State

The state provide a way to manage a set of annotation objects.

interface Annotation {
  readonly id: number;
  // Coordinates
  x: number;
  y: number; 
  z: number;
  // Settings
  draggable: boolean;
  grabberSelector?: string;
  // Vue component used to render annotation on viewer
  component: any;
  // Optional props to pass to the annotation component
  props?: any;

Annotation related fields and methods accessible from the state:

Name Description
annotations The list of all annotations (read only)
addAnnotation(annotation, options) Add an annotation to the state
removeAnnotation(annotation, options) Remove the given annotation from state
clearAnnotations() Remove all annotations from state

Annotation related events emitted on the state:

Name Payload Description
annotation-added { annotation: Annotation, options?: any } An annotation has been added
annotation-updated { annotation: Annotation, options?: any } An annotation has been updated/moved
annotation-removed { annotation: Annotation, options?: any } An annotation has been removed

# Viewers plugins

The viewers common interface includes the following fields and methods to handle annotations:

Name Description
annotationMode Whether annotation mode is enabled or not
startAnnotationMode(callback) Start (enable) annotation mode with the given annotation callback
stopAnnotationMode() Stop (disable) annotation mode

The annotation callback passed to thestartAnnotationMode() method as the following signature:

type AnnotationCallback = ({
  // Annotation coordinates
  x: number,
  y: number,
  z: number,

  // Additional data
  models: StateModel[], // currently loaded models
  storey?: StateStorey, // current storey
  pdfPages?: any[], // list of PDF pages (only relevant for multipage PDF models)
  pdfPageIndex?: number, // current PDF page index (only relevant for multipage PDF models)
  object?: StateObject, // annotated IFC element (only relevant for IFC models)
}) => void;

# Usage

The annotation API is designed to help developers create/update/delete custom annotations that are synchronized between viewer windows. Below are some explanations on the basic usage of the API, you can have a look at the examples to get a more concrete integration example.

# 1. Add annotations

Given any viewer window we can use the localContext API to register an annotation callback that we will allow us to get annotation coordinates on click. The coordinates are used to add a new annotation to the state:

const { state, localContext } = $viewer;

localContext.startAnnotationMode(({ x, y, z }) => {
  const annotation = state.addAnnotation({
    component: MyAnnotationComponent

  console.log("new annotation: ", annotation);

When we are done adding annotations we can use stopAnnotationMode() to unregister annotation callback:


The annotation component (MyAnnotationComponent here) can be any valid Vue component, it will be used to render the annotation on the viewer.

For convenience, an annotation prop, that hold the associated annotation object from the state, is passed to the component.

It is also possible to provide some custom props to the component via the props field of annotation object.

# 2. Update/Drag annotation

Each annotation as a draggable property (which is true by default) that control whether the annotation can be moved by dragging it on the canvas.

Setting draggable to false will prevent the annotation to be moved. This can be used to implement some kind of annotation lock/unlock mechanism.

Note: The state will emit an "annotation-updated" event on every annotation move.

# 3. Remove annotation

Annotations can be removed from the state using the removeAnnotation() method:


Annotations can also be removed all at once with clearAnnotations():
