# Bimdata Connect

# URLs of Bimdata apps

Variables Default value Description
SITE_URL "" Bimdata Connect URL.
API_URL "" Bimdata API URL.
DOC_URL "" Bimdata Documentation URL.
PLATFORM_URL "" Bimdata Platform URL.

# Database configuration

There variables are needed for the database authentication.

Variables Default value Description
DB_HOST Postgresql server address.
DB_PORT Postgresql server port.
DB_NAME Postgresql database name.
DB_USER Postgresql user.
DB_PASSWORD Postgresql password.

If your Postgresql cluster use read-only replicas, you can configure the API with these variables to distribute the read-only requests through all of them. Each of these variable is a comma separated list. If each replica have a different configuration, the order in each list matter: the first element REPLICA_DB_HOSTS will use the first port in REPLICA_DB_PORTS and so on.

Variables Default value Description
REPLICA_DB_HOSTS "" list of postgresql read-only replicas server address.
REPLICA_DB_PORTS Same as DB_PORT list of postgresql read-only replicas server port.
REPLICA_DB_NAMES Same as DB_NAME list of postgresql read-only database name.
REPLICA_DB_USERS Same as DB_USER list of postgresql read-only database user.
REPLICA_DB_PASSWORDS Same as DB_PASSWORD list of postgresql read-only database user.

# OpenID configuration

Variables Default value Description
IAM_URL "" OIDC provider address.
IAM_ADMIN_LOGIN "" OIDC admin username.
IAM_ADMIN_PASSWORD "" OIDC admin password.

# Storage configuration

By default, the API use a local storage in /opt/storage to store all the uploaded datas. But these datas are not serve by the API itself. It's necessary to configure a web server, like other static files. That's why we recommande using an object storage for production.

To enable Swift usage, you need to set SWIFT_AUTH_URL, and if this variable is set, alors the other variables SWIFT_* need to be set.

Variables Default value Description
SWIFT_AUTH_URL The URL for the auth server.
SWIFT_USERNAME The username to use to authenticate.
SWIFT_PASSWORD The key (password) to use to authenticate.
SWIFT_AUTH_VERSION 3 The version of the authentication protocol to use.
SWIFT_TENANT_NAME / SWIFT_PROJECT_NAME None The tenant/project name to use when authenticating.
SWIFT_TENANT_ID / SWIFT_PROJECT_ID None The tenant/project id to use when authenticating.
SWIFT_USER_DOMAIN_NAME None The domain name we authenticate to.
SWIFT_USER_DOMAIN_ID "default" The domain id we authenticate to.
SWIFT_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME "default" The domain name our project is located in.
SWIFT_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID None The domain id our project is located in.
SWIFT_REGION_NAME None OpenStack region if needed. Check with your provider.
SWIFT_CONTAINER_NAME None The container in which to store the files.
SWIFT_STATIC_CONTAINER_NAME None Alternate container for storing staticfiles.
SWIFT_AUTO_CREATE_CONTAINER True Should the container be created if it does not exist?
SWIFT_AUTO_CREATE_CONTAINER_PUBLIC False Set the auto created container as public on creation
SWIFT_AUTO_CREATE_CONTAINER_ALLOW_ORIGIN "*" Set the container's X-Container-Meta-Access-Control-Allow-Origin value, to support CORS requests.
SWIFT_AUTO_BASE_URL True Query the authentication server for the base URL.
SWIFT_BASE_URL None The base URL from which the files can be retrieved.
SWIFT_NAME_PREFIX "" Prefix that gets added to all filenames.
SWIFT_EXTRA_OPTIONS {} Extra options.
SWIFT_STATIC_AUTO_BASE_URL True Query the authentication server for the static base URL.
SWIFT_STATIC_BASE_URL None The base URL from which the static files can be retrieved,
SWIFT_STATIC_NAME_PREFIX None Prefix that gets added to all static filenames.
SWIFT_CONTENT_TYPE_FROM_FD False Determine the files mimetypes from the actual content rather than from their filename (default).
SWIFT_FULL_LISTING True Ensures to get whole directory contents (by default swiftclient limits it to 10000 entries)
SWIFT_AUTH_TOKEN_DURATION 60 * 60 * 23 How long a token is expected to be valid in seconds.
SWIFT_LAZY_CONNECT True If True swift connection will be obtained on first use, if False it will be obtained during storage instantiation.
SWIFT_GZIP_CONTENT_TYPES [None,"text/plain","application/json","application/octet-stream","image/svg+xml","text/xml"] List of content type that will be compressed.
SWIFT_GZIP_COMPRESSION_LEVEL 4 Gzip compression level from 0 to 9. 0 = no compression, 9 = max compression
SWIFT_GZIP_UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE True If set to True and the content-type can't be guessed, gzip anyway
SWIFT_CACHE_HEADERS False Headers cache on/off switcher

# Email configuration

Variables Default value Description
SMTP_HOST None SMTP server address.
SMTP_PORT SMTP server port.
SMTP_USE_TLS SMTP communication use TLS.
SMTP_USER SMTP authentication user.
SMTP_PASS SMTP authentication password.
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL "no-reply@bimdata.io" SMTP default from email.

# Image configuration

Variables Default value Description
WORKERS 4 Configure Gunicorn workers.
PORT 8000 Configure Gunicorn listen port.
CA_CERT "" Path of a certificate to add to container trusted CAs.
COMPILE_SCSS 0 0 or 1. Configure if django compilescss during init.
COLLECT_STATIC 1 0 or 1. Configure if django collectstatic during init.
APPLY_MIGRATION 1 0 or 1. Configure if django migrate during init.
PROCESS_TASKS 0 0 or 1. Configure if django process_tasks.

# Other configuration

Variables Default value Description
ENV "development"